Meet The Founders

Meet The Founders

Being married for over 30 years, we have been through many ups and downs, and have faced many challenges, just like all other marriages. However, we know that it was not only our love for one another that kept us together, but our love for God, and our commitment to our vows that helped us to make it this far together.

God has put in us a passion and a burden to help build strong, healthy marriages. 

Throughout our many years of being together, we have learned the true meaning of "AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH," as found in Genesis 2:24 and Mark 10:8, and we understand the value and the blessings of continuing to pattern our lives and our marriage after this Godly principle. 

Oftentimes throughout our marriage, we would attend events and functions where we wanted to dress alike or coordinate our outfits, to openly express our love and commitment to each other and to advertise it to others, so it was through this that the 2B1 Vision was born.

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